The pattern is from Pam Palmer's Tatting Designs published in 2018 by Heidi Nakayama. It has the cat on the front cover and is a lovely collection of patterns that Pam had taught at various meetings and conferences.
I received a ball of Altin Basak in the CWT exchange and decided to work on the seahorse that I really mangled at camp. The picture to the left is from that ball of thread. Since I tat frontside/backside by choice, I was able to create a right-facing seahorse (with the beads) by starting the initial ring on the front side in standard order (under & over, then over & under) ... and yes, there were pattern-reading errors on that one as clearly seen on the head portion. The left-facing seahorse sans beads starting with the initial ring as RODS.
Still working in my mind how to complete this in a single pass as the original instructions have the abdomen added as a "second pass."
I'll probably redo this same thread/bead combination at Shuttlebirds 2019 workshop the first weekend in May.